Friday, March 12, 2010

Long Time No Speak

Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't been able to do an update recently, I've been very busy with other obligations outside of the internet. As of late, nothing has really changed in my day to day life that I would like to share with you guys.

However, I'm sad to announce that a beloved uncle of mine has passed away last night. He will always have a spot in my heart and I dearly wish that he rests in peace as I speak.

I'm sure to be back with my usually consistent blogging soon so stay tunes for another exciting update, deuces !


Crying Out For Me - Mario
Im Cool - Anthony Hamilton

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Whopper Wednesday

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My weakness of bargain's and fast food got the best of me today. I guess you could say, "I Had It My Way" today ahah. Though it was probably unhealthy for me it was so indulging and cheap. Got to have my Whopper once in a while.

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Here is another texture shot of my Nudies. I'm loving the color right now and I hope it only gets better from here. (Peep my bruins while you're at it =p) ... and yes.. I am standing on a chair.

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I want to share with you guys a full body portrait that I am currently working on in my Art class. I am not a great artist, seeing as I haven't even take and art course before (Got into this class by luck), so please excuse the imperfections. I'm not even close to finish so I'll be sure to take a final picture when I am complete, sit tight. This picture was also the reason why I was standing on a chair in the previous image, so there's the explanation if you were curious.

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Finally, I think I might consider getting a "Crackberry" soon. I am really getting attracted with the features, convenience and of course... BBM. Lol. This is a picture of my friend Paula's funk-a-delic Blackberry that really caught my eye today.

Well that's enough out of me, so I'm going to let you proceed with your lives. Thanks for stopping by!


ICH Freestyle - Young Savage
Level - Young Savage

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Today was a funny day actually; school was more energetic than usual and after school me and the guys went to Zakiyah's house to clean his basement. (Preparation for his jam this weekend)


As we were cleaning, doing all the dirty work Zak's mother kindly gave us refreshments which seemed to have targeted racial favoritism. In the picture below my friend/neighbor is enjoying a nice juicy cut of watermelon... sorry.


After leaving Zak's home we all went across the street to my other friends' Deandre and Dafonte's house and they kindly served us some home-cooked curry chicken, it was amazing! Grandpa is a great cook.

In other news, my CS 1.6 team won our cevo match tonight. (16-10) against team "shutDOWN".
you can check up on our updates @ =]

Well I'm gonna catch some zzz's now, deuces!


Homegurl - Slim Thug
Ecstacy - Grind Mode
I'm So High - Grind Mode

Monday, March 1, 2010

Busy Busy Busy Day

So today I had the chance to visit my cousin whom lives on the York University campus grounds. It was nice chilling with him for a bit cause it's been a while, I also took some great pictures from his artistic room.

This is a banner/artwork that is hanging above his bed, elephants are his interest. He does a lot of his paintings and drawings on elephants, I'll try to get some more pictures of those.

Here's the bottom half of my fit today, quite comfy. My Nudies are coming along greatly, ever since I hemmed them they have been so comfortable and I started wearing them consistently. I'll make sure to take progress pics soon for you guys.

My neighbor's mom made this home cooked meal for us. It was amazing!
- Rice and Peas
- Oxtail with beans and plantain
- Salad

Well that's about it for now. I'll be back soon!


Read Your Mind - Avant
My First Love - Avant feat. Tamia
Hypothetically - Lyfe Jennings feat. Fantasia

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Modern Warfare

So I've been at my neighbors house for the night and MW2 has been quite the addiction. Initially I thought it was the most confusing game in the world because out of nowhere a chopper would shoot me out or I'd just spontaneously explode. However the more I played, the more I learned and I must say that it's a great game. I haven't played a non-pc first person shooter since Halo and there is so much that I have missed out on. I'm even considering buying a ps3 to join the PSN "cult".

Besides that, I've been busy lately with school and babysitting. I guess I should get back to my philosophy paper, deuces.


Chunk Up The Deuce - Paul Wall, SLim Thug, others.
Houston - Slim Thug, Cityy

Friday, February 26, 2010


The weather was so ugly today. Blizzard since the morning and is still going on, here are some pictures I took today in the parking lot.


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Here is a texture pic of my nudies, a little under two months. (Inconsistent Wear)


I'll probably be back later with another update.


We're Gonna Make It - Damien Marley
Wanna Choose - Welcome 2 Texes: 2010 All Star Mixtape [ Slim Thug ]

Thursday, February 25, 2010

All You Can Eat Ribs !

Hey there guys, I'm actually supposed to be doing my homework but I thought I'll take a little break to do this update. Today was just the same as any other day, except the fact that we were watching Simpson's at school, World Issues ftw! I also had to walk home today (45mins) in the blistering snowstorm... that wasn't much fun.

It's actually my Grandpa's birthday today so we all decided to go to Montana's for there All You Can Eat Ribs promotion. Here's a pic of the rack that I ate.

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It was so filling, but worth every moutful. It was a great dinner all-in-all, the service was great and Woman's Hockey Game was on adding to the festivities. Congrats on the Canadian Woman's Hockey for winning that gold. Kudos!

Well I think it's time for me to get back to my assignments, ttyl.

Work It - Missy Elliot
The Thrill - Wiz Khalifa